October 4, 2024

The city of St Helena sits at about 250 feet elevation, depending on where exactly you live. Climate change means sea levels are rising, but how much and when is not precise. The direct effect on St. Helena may be minimal as we are well above any estimated sea level rise—however it will likely affect Napa River levels at area bridges at high tides and during a storm surge. Here is an informative and interactive map that you can set to different levels of sea level rise to see its effect on the Napa River. ART Bay Area Sea Level Rise and Shoreline Analysis Maps. Specifically the Map Explorer. Expected sea level rise in 2030 is 6-10″. By 2050 13″-23″. Here is a screen shot of the Napa area set at 12″ sea level rise.

The effects may include pressures to relocate, transportation and highway issues, loss of revenue in lands taken out of productive capability etc. The point is—it will effect all of us—even those living at higher ground. Check out Eric Gies’ book Water Always WIns: Thriving and Surviving in an Age of Deluge and Drought.

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