October 2, 2024


Napa County Resources

Napa County Watershed and Information Council Many links to Water supply, conservation groundwater etc.

Napa County Drought Monitor via NOAA and NIDISyour taxpayer dollars pay for tons of federally sponsored but locally relevant tracking and data.

Napa Groundwater Sustainability Everyone in Napa County relies on groundwater. Rural residents and farms use groundwater. Groundwater also supports healthy watersheds. Napa County has been monitoring groundwater since the 1960s

2022 Napa County Groundwater Sustainability Report March 2023

Napa Valley Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan Jan 2022

Napa County Resource and Development Stream Watch Get involved with citizen action

Water-Wise Gardening in Napa Valley Plant lists, recommendations etc

Water Audit California based in Napa, is an advocate for the public trust, guided by science and long-established legal principles of environmental stewardship

Napa River Basin Naturally Resilient Communities: Napa River Basin

Silverado Fisheries Base CA Dept of Fish & Game fishery supplying of trout and inland salmon for several Bay Area counties, has a casual picnic area for visitor use M-F 8-3

Napa & Sonoma County Marshes CA Dept of Fish & Game The Napa-Sonoma Marshes Wildlife Area is approximately 15,200 acres of baylands, tidal sloughs and wetland habitat.

California Resources

California Communities with Water Commissions Compilation of 21 communities with Water Commissions or Boards

Water Use in California’s Communities Water information from the public Policy Institute of California

California Department of Water Resources Links to an abundance of water related issues

Integrating Water Efficiency into Land Use Planning in the Interior West: A Guidebook for Local Planners 2018 This Guidebook provides hundreds of techniques, sample codes/policies, and community examples that explain how to reduce the water footprint of new development.

2014 Demand Offsets: Water Neutral Development in California Exploration of water offsets and water neutrality (published before the latest drought)

NOAA California Drought Monitoring Map of California Drought Conditions

Bring Back the Beaver Occidental Arts & Ecology Center

California Native Plant Society many waterwise tips including “Life after Lawns”

General Water Resources

Water Education Foundation California based water information

The Hundred Year Flood Myth Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency

ONE HUNDRED YEAR FLOOD: Risk Assessment, Not a Timeline. Check out this explanation by the Water Education Foundation.

Making Water a Public Good: The Bigger Picture of Water Affordability US Water Alliance

Beavers Offer Natural Solution to Fighting Wildfires The large rodents create soggy areas that fires can’t cross.


A New Type of River 3.5 minute video A must watch for understanding rivers and how we need to adjust to them

Why Rivers Shouldn’t Look Like This: It’s Complicated 6 minute video from the UK with a view of the intersection on man and rivers

Why Do Rivers Curve? 3 minute video on why rivers meander

How “Levee Wars” are Making Floods Worse great 6 minute video that will enhance your understanding of levees

What is an Atmospheric River? 1.5 minutes Scripps oceanography

So you live Behind a Leeve 2.25 minutes

Hell or High Water: How Stockton Can Prepare for the Risk of Flood Disaster 2023 Applicable everywhere 2:24:39

Want to Solve Wildfires and Drought? Leave it to BEAVERS! 10 minute video about how Beavers stop wildfires


KQED Looking for Solutions to Drought and Deluge 2022 audio only 52:45 minutes. Highly recommend this interview with Erica Gies author of Water Always Wins

California is still at risk of flooding NPR 5 minutes Maybe rivers just need some space— expanding the floodplain, removing levees giving the rivers room

Recommended Books by Topic

Many of these are available at the St. Helena Public Library



  • Saving the Dammed: Why We Need Beaver-Modified Ecosystems Ellen Wohl Raises awareness of rivers as ecosystems and the role beavers play in sustaining the ecosystem surrounding rivers by exploring the macrocosm of global river alteration, wetland loss, and the reduction in ecosystem services. The resulting reduction in ecosystem services span things such as flood control, habitat abundance and biodiversity, and nitrate reduction.

Waterwise Gardening
